Summary of the Vaccine Safety Net Resources
Most people are able to get the COVID-19 vaccine. But, a few groups of people should not get the vaccine, some should not get the vaccine for the time being and others should consult with their doctor and eventually follow special procedures.
- People who should NOT get the vaccine:
- Anyone who had a previous anaphylactic shock or a strong allergic reaction to a previous SAME vaccine (includes people who had a severe allergy to the 1st dose of the vaccines. Those people shouldn’t get the 2nd one)
- Anyone with a severe allergy to any component of the COVID vaccine
- Persons who should NOT get the vaccine for the time beingPeo
- people below 16 years of age because a too small amount of data is presently available
- People isolated or with COVID symptoms; they must wait after isolation ends and/or symptoms resolve
- People who recently had COVID; they-must wait until 90 days after treatment is over.
NB According to the countries it may be recommended or not to vaccinate people who had COVID. Check the recommendations in your country.
- People who may get the vaccine after their doctor carefully considered their individual risks and
- Pregnant women and breastfeeding: due to the small amount of data during the clinical trials, it was not recommended to get the vaccine at the time of authorisation by regulatory agencies.
- Then with the occurrence of several severe cases of COVID 19 in pregnant women, several countries are now recommending the vaccination in pregnancy and breastfeeding women.It is considered that pregnancy is in itself a risk of getting severe forms of COVID 19.
This is the case in Israel and in the USA where the regulatory authorities recommend the vaccination after the 1st quarter of pregnancy and in breastfeeding. In France, the association of obstetricians has reached the same conclusion, but it is not yet officially recommended by the French regulatory authorities. Therefore, especially when breastfeeding or pregnant women present a high risk of getting a complicated COVID-19 either because of underlying disease or any other reason, the doctor could consider the individual benefit and risks. In addition it is admitted to consider vaccination for any pregnant woman who will desire it. According to the countries it may be possible or not to vaccinate pregnant and breastfeeding women. Check the recommendations in your country.
- People with history of severe allergy (requiring medical intervention) to any vaccine or any injectable medication or non-injectable substance; they should consult their doctor prior to vaccination and remain under medical surveillance at the vaccination location for 30 min after injection
- People with HIV
- People with certain immune-compromising conditions
- People on anticoagulants: a special procedure is described in
Sources :
CDC : https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/vaccination.htmlUK Government: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-the-green-book-chapter-14a
Hospital of Philadelphia : https://www.chop.edu/centers-programs/vaccine-education-center/making-vaccines/prevent-covid?utm_source=prevent-covid&utm_medium=redirect&utm_campaign=VECCOVID
Israeli Ministry of Health
French College of Obstetricians - People who should NOT get the vaccine: